Sunday, January 8, 2012

Why does the right wing opposition to Obama's health care reform argue it will take away choice?

Insurance is NOT a right, it's a privilege. You have the FREEDOM to find your own insurance and if you can't well...survival of the fittest. I am all for the govt insuring sometime until age 18 but after that's its THE ADULT'S responsibility to get insurance. You libs make it sound like everyone uninsured has just had "a run of bad luck" and that it can't possibly be their fault for not trying harder, or being a free loader. I know that there are people who can't get insurance for preexisting conditions...BUT WAIT THEY CAN, when you sign up for MOST insurances at the yearly sign up event, like at a JOB for instance, they cover many preexisting conditions...Medicare/Federal Disability isn't picky about preexisting conditions...yet! (There is a thing called MEDICAID readily available for those in between jobs, beggars can't be choosers).

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