Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Why are some people so freakin inconsiderate and then blame others?

I was walking home from work this afternoon and while crossing at a green light this car accelerated forward before the lights had changed. I leapt out the way sharpish and realised this driver was chatting on his phone and blatantly not watching where he was going! I got my phone out and just had time to save his registration number before he disappeared, intending to report it asap. I then carried on walking and bumped into him at the next side street where he'd stopped and got out his car, aggressively shaking his fist at me and asking if I "had a problem" and making out I was in the wrong for "walking out in front of him" and then "trying to get him into trouble with the law". I pointed out HE was using his phone while driving, which he denied, and then walked back to his car calling me a filthy goth and a devil worshipping slag, which is rich coming from a bloke who's obviously about as Christian as Bin Laden in a dog collar! Anyway I did go to the cops with it, and they've said they'll look out for his car so I'm still waiting to hear back from that. But anyway I digress, the point of my question is why get angry when you're the one in the wrong? I don't have a driving licence and even I know the no mobile phones law/handsfree option is there FOR A REASON. And yes, I'm always the first to moan about "health and safety" regulations if they turn out to be more a hindrance than a help but that is not one of them! I'm sure loads of decent people have made similar mistakes but I would have thought more of him if he'd apologized and asked if I was all right, instead of which he tried to blame me for HIS lack of consideration! My mum ped her driving test last year and she's always warning me about selfish s on the road when I p mine but clearly pedestrians aren't safe either, although at least it's easier to jump out the way in that situation. But anyway WHATEVER'S HAPPENED TO PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY? That's what 'ed should be putting on the compulsory curriculum!

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